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FFA Krav Maga’s Code of Ethics

Nancy Nguyen

      What does ethics mean to Krav Maga? It means to have integrity, respect, honor, accountability, and perseverance. Integrity is about being consistent with your moral principles. Respect is about accepting people for who they are even though you may not agree with their views. We, as people, have the right to live our lives the way we want it. Having respect builds trust and community because the mentors will have

their students’ best interests at heart (Gibson, 2021). Honor is about adhering to your ethical principles. It is about doing what is morally right. Accountability is important when it comes to the business taking responsibility for its action, whatever that may be. Businesses have the power to change society for the better, but they also have the power to ruin it.  Some actions have consequences, and these consequences must be answered. This is why policies and rules are set in place. Perseverance is about not giving up in the face of adversity.

            FFA Krav Maga will hold itself to the highest ethical standards as this is something that translates into our service. We teach people how to use their strengths to their advantage when it comes to self-defense. Mental strength has to be built before learning the physical aspect of Krav Maga (Martial Arts of the West End, 2020). Just as clients will be taught Krav Maga’s code of ethics, our mentors will continue to adhere to it. We feel that it is our mission to help our community feel safe as we will in unprecedented times where anything can happen. Should any ethical obstacles arise, we will persevere through them and hold our integrity intact. The most important notion of Krav Maga, and any martial arts in general, is to adhere strictly to our ethical principles. We will ensure that the best service is provided to our clients and community whilst maintaining our ethical beliefs. #strongmindstrongbody #pushthroughit

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