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Why You Should Learn Self-Defense

By Nancy Nguyen

            There are many forms of self-defense one can choose to learn, but FFA Krav Maga finds that krav maga is a style fit for all at any level. Not only is it a fun physical activity to do, but it helps prepare oneself to handle dangerous situations. Those who learn with FFA Krav Maga will build confidence, mental and physical strength, situational awareness, and more.

Building Confidence

            Confidence comes from having self-assurance and self-assurance is built through preparation (Carroll et al., 2020). Some people experience bullying or physical abuse and may feel they cannot break from that toxic cycle because they aren’t confident in themselves. Mastering krav maga builds confidence because individuals are prepared to take advantage of the resources provided by FFA Krav Maga to face any challenge.

Physical and Mental Wellbeing

            Exercising at least 30 minutes a day will not only improve an individual’s physical health but their mental well-being, too. More than 75% of Americans don’t get enough exercise which can result in many health complications in the future (Stable, 2022). Exercise strengthens bones, builds muscle, reduces the risk of certain diseases, etc. It also helps manage stress, anxiety, and depression, and improves mood (Reed, 2021). These self-defense techniques forge respect and discipline and enhance reflexes, hand-eye coordination, balance, etc. (Mayle, 2014).  

Situational Awareness

            No one can ever be too safe, especially when hate crimes and mass shootings are on the rise in the United States (Tillman, 2022). Situational awareness is something that people of all ages need to know as it can mean the difference between life and death. FFA Krav Maga teaches individuals how to identify threats and dangers so they can protect themselves or their loved ones. For example, if a stranger tries to choke the individual from behind, they can use their elbow as a weapon and break themselves free. Not all situations require physical altercations. For example, when a high school student is confronted by their bully they can use what they’ve learned at FFA Krav Maga to de-escalate the situation.

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